Sunday, October 12, 2008

my cult

okay so i just graduated from my cult. it's this like self-help cult where they help you deal with your problems and past memories that you hold onto, yada-yada-yada.

well my mom and my dad went through it, so i decided that it might be beneficial for me to go through it, and it was in some ways. i learned what helps me deal with my issues (which is not violence) and i made some amazing friends, and i got to miss 2 fridays of school. i think the things i learned will also help me in my relationships and they might even get me to talk to the guy i like from the first entry (i should think of a cool code name for him... any ideas?) so anyway, yesterday i graduated from the cult and it's kinda nice knowing i never have to go back into the "training room" but at the same time i made some friends and i'm gonna miss them :(

ooo today i listened to okkervil river, not for the first time, but the first time like actually listening, and they're good. i like the one about being in a bad movie and the girl in port song is good too

okay well i'm done for now

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