Tuesday, October 14, 2008

first conversation

okay so there's like an above-the-ground subway where i live, and i take it every day to get home, and so does my friend ricky (who is friends with my stalkee).

i was hanging out with my friend while she was waiting for the bus, and i looked over to the school and saw stalkee and ricky walking towards the above-the-ground subway station. i was actually looking for my other friend who i go home with, alex, so i asked ricky if he knew where he was and ricky told me that he was up ahead. just then stalkee asked me if i was going to a concert (i had actually said i was going to that concert in front of him that morning ;) ) and of course i said yes and then we were talking about that band for awhile and then ricky, stalkee and i all started talking about other stuff for like 5 whole minutes...

it was amazing
i'm so happy i could cry
i get to see him tomorrow and the next day at the concert
i'm so excited

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