Monday, October 13, 2008

farting and driving

okay so mr kassner, my geometry teacher, is about the most awesome person you will ever meet. and he suffers from adhd, which makes him that much cooler...

anyway so today we were talking about theorems and postulates and all of a sudden we're on the topic of drinking and driving and this is the conversation that unfurled:

K: today on my drive to school, i saw a woman farting and driving. i've only ever seen women fart and drive.
Peter: my dad farts and drives. i know lots of guys who fart and drive.
K: really? i've only ever seen women fart and drive. i bet there are more accidents caused by farting and driving then texting and driving. and they're all caused by women.
Krista: are you being sexist? only women can fart and drive and all accidents are caused by farting women?
K: i didn't say all accidents are caused by women who fart and drive, i just said that most of the accidents that are caused by farting and driving were caused by women. that's not sexist, it's fact.
Krista: how can you tell if someone is farting and driving?
K: did you just say farting and driving? is that what you thought i said? no i said FARDING and driving. i though it was a little weird how peter said his dad farded and drove.

farding: to apply makeup to the face.

if you don't think that's funny, that means you had to have been there. hahahaha

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