Wednesday, November 5, 2008


i hate boys
i wish i didn't like any of them ever again

today i was in the hall waiting for my mom and i saw my stalkee talking to some of his friends. i was just sitting there minding my own business and i heard him say to this one girl "see that girl over there in the white skirt?" and i didn't hear anything else!!! i listened as closely as i could, and i couldn't hear a thing!!! fuck!!! i told my mom and she was like "joey (my friend's boyfriend) probably told him that you liked him and so now he's just telling his friends" and it sucks because every time i see him in the halls, he gives me weird looks (not dirty looks just weird ones) and i don't know what to do. what if he's one of those guys who once he finds out you like him, he makes things all awkward? that would suck and i would hate him. and now that i think about it, i don't really want to ask him to winter's. i think i want to ask my friend. he's pretty amazing and he really likes me and we're really close and i love him to death. did i mention he's hot? well he is..

but anyway back to stalkee. i can't decide if i really like him, but i can't tell any of my friends that or they'll freak.. they'll be "o it's just a phase!" or "why? you can totally tell he likes you. go talk to him and get his number and get his penis in your pants" and they totally won't believe me.

god i hate high school.

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