Saturday, November 15, 2008

bishop allen concert

was good fun.
i got there late because i was finishing watching "the visitor" (which is a spectacular movie that you all should watch)
i got there during the 2 opener, electric owls, who was okay, but i don't think i'd listen to his stuff very often.
i talked to my stalkee and found out he has a girlfriend (who i'm going to call airhead because she's a total dumbass.. can you say turn-off??) but his friend (who is also taken, but i'm okay with that) is AWESOME! i talked to him a bunch, and he's a total spaz, but he's spectacular!
an horse is really good, they were the main opener, and i would listen to them again if someone gave me their cd..

bishop allen was really good. i was right at the front next to the bassist, keith, and everyone was singing along and have a jolly old time. it was totally packed so i was really lucky to be at the front with my friend emma :) at the end of the show i got keith's set list though i'm kind of sad it doesn't have the encore songs on it..
my stalkee and his friend and girlfriend were stuck at the very back, and i didn't see them again until after the concert was over and they said they liked bishop allen, but they liked the first opener the best (congrats drew danburry!) and we got his cd.

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